Master's theses
- Legal issues in the processing of large data sets: From collection to processing and analysis ("Rechtsfragen bei der Verarbeitung großer Datensätze: Von der Erhebung über die Verarbeitung bis zur Auswertung")
- Artificial intelligence - a consideration of liability law ("Künstliche Intelligenz - eine haftungsrechtliche Betrachtung")
- The legal assessment of the use of social bots ("Die rechtliche Beurteilung des Einsatzes von Social Bots")
- Big data - ownership of data ("Big Data - Eigentum an Daten")
- Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in the Internet of Things: Contractual conceptual possibilities in business transactions de lege lata ("Machine Learning und Künstliche Intelligenz im Internet of Things: Vertragliche Konzeptionsmöglichkeiten im Unternehmensverkehr de lege lata")
Bachelor theses
- A.I. - A consideration of data protection and licensing law ("K.I. - Eine datenschutz- und lizenzrechtliche Betrachtung")
- Voice assistants as contractual partners ("Sprachassistenten als Vertragspartner")
- Compatibility of stress avoidance programs with data protection law and the draft AI Regulation ("Vereinbarkeit von Stressvermeidungsprogrammen mit dem Datenschutzrecht und dem Entwurf der KI-Verordnung")
- Ownership of data ("Eigentum an Daten")
- Liability issues of autonomous and intelligent securities trading systems ("Haftungsfragen autonomer und intelligenter Wertpapierhandelssysteme")
- Legal issues of self-learning machines ("Rechtsfragen selbstlernender Maschinen")
Project in the Master in International License Law
- Legal issues of creative AI („Rechtsfragen kreativer KI“)
Projects in the Bachelor of Information Law
- MegaBot - Startup - Robots for everyone („MegaBot – Startup – Roboter für Alle“)
ATHENE Research Project (funded by the German National Research Center for Applied Cybersecurity)
- Systematic Privacy for large, Real-life and Processing Systems
Rechtsfragen von ChatGPT (K&R 2023, S. 233)
Rechtsfragen bei DALL-E / Schutz der „Promptografie?" (K&R 2023, S. 385)
Original images from the above article are available here.
Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen für KI Systeme. Immanente Herausforderungen und mögliche Lösungen durch Control by Design, Tatup 2021, 56
Europäisches Daten-Lizenzrecht im Umbruch. Lizenzierung von Daten und KI-Ergebnissen im Lichte aktueller EU-Normierungsansätze, NJW-LL.M. Spezial 2022, S. 2-4
International cooperation on ethical artificial intelligence, super algorithms and quantum cryptography
As a member of the advisory board of the Brazilian tech law institute IDTEC, founded by our long-standing Brazilian IT law partner Gilberto Martins de Almeida, I am pleased to announce the conclusion of a MoU between IDTEC and FEMPERJ, the Superior Academy Foundation of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the State of Rio de Janeiro.
FEMPERJ signed a cooperation agreement for academic and research activities with the Institute of Law and Technology (IDTEC) on Tuesday (27th) at the headquarters of Amperj. The agreement was signed by the president of FEMPERJ, Sávio Bittencourt, the public prosecutor Guilherme Martins and the president of IDTEC, Gilberto Martins de Almeida. [...] "It is a pleasure for us as the Board of Trustees of FEMPERJ to participate in IDTEC and to have it sign such an important agreement for us and for the Office of the Prosecutor," said the President of Amperj, Public Prosecutor Cláudio Henrique Viana. IDTEC is a non-profit private law institution that, according to its president Gilberto Martins de Almeida, deals with ethical artificial intelligence, super algorithms, quantum cryptography and everything that is relevant as regards the legitimacy and technical possibility for the prosecution of crimes. Sávio Bittencourt explained that the partnership between IDTEC and FEMPERJ was important because the Institute deals with technology law and technological developments more broadly, not just in the legal field. "We had already recognized the need to bring technology to the forefront. Today, the issue is a matter for public prosecutors, because of the digital challenges as well as the numerous gaps in public policy created by technology." According to public prosecutor Guilherme Magalhães Martins, who proposed the partnership, it is an academic initiative that will include an event in the second half of 2023 with a lecture by German professor and digital law expert Thomas Wilmer: "Data protection is a subject in the examinations for admission of public prosecutors. It didn't use to be like that. The topic is emerging as a fundamental right that we all have to respect."
For the first academic event of the five-year cooperation plan, the Office of the Prosecutor of the State of Rio de Janeiro hosted on 13.11.2023 the Brazil-Germany seminar on data protection. The panel of speakers was composed by Prof Thomas Wilmer (h_da), Prof. Anne Riechert (Hochschule Frankfurt) and research fellow Pedro Borges (h_da). Their lectures covered, respectively, the General Data Protection Regulation, the proposed EU AI Regulation, and the European Law Enforcement Directive.