Faculty of Social Sciences
Courses in English language
Course title |
study program |
Level (BA/MA) |
Intercultural Communication in Organisations and at the Work Place (ABD) |
Applied Social Sciences |
BA |
5 |
Technology for good? Introduction of socioeconomic analysis to digital transformation |
Applied Social Sciences |
BA |
5 |
Gesellschaftliche Entwicklung - Empowerment |
Business Psychology |
MA |
2,5 |
Intercultural Competence 2 |
Business Psychology |
MA |
2,5 |
Markt-, Konsumenten- und Medienpsychologie II |
Business Psychology |
MA |
5 |
Umweltpsychologie und Nachhaltigkeit II |
Business Psychology |
MA |
5 |
Internationales Recht I |
Information Law |
BA |
2,5 |
Internationales Recht II |
Information Law |
BA |
2,5 |
US-amerikanisches Urheber- und Patentrecht |
Global Licensing |
MA |
2,5 |
Humans in the digital age - International perspectives in mediatization (ZIS) |
SuK |
BA (Module I) |
2,5 |
Mindfulness & Meditation in Digital Society |
SuK |
BA (Module I) |
2,5 |
When the error sits in front of the screen: Cyber Security Threats from a social science perspective |
SuK |
BA (Module I) |
2,5 |
Risk Technology and Society |
SuK |
BA (Module I) |
2,5 |
Patents and Trademarks - Challenges and Chances in a small and medium scale industry (ZIS - Interkulturalität) |
SuK |
BA+MA (Module II/III) |
2,5 |
The challence of Transculturality (ZIS - Interkulturalität) |
SuK |
BA+MA (Module II/III) |
2,5 |
Environmental Economics |
SuK |
BA+MA (Module II/III) |
2,5 |
The Great Transformation (ZIS) |
SuK |
BA (Module II) |
2,5 |
For those of you who want to go abroad:
Rightly so!
Studying abroad opens new horizons and changes the way you see the world. Exploring a new country and culture opens your perspectives and deepens your insight on your own and another culture.
You improve your language and social skills and gain in-depth understanding into different ways of life. You make new friends for life and can increase your confidence in yourself and others.
Furthermore, stays abroad are becoming vital recruitment criteria for employers. Needless to say. It is a “win-win” –situation for all.
A warm Welcome to the Faculty of Social Sciences
Why study at the Faculty of Social Sciences?
Our faculty covers a broad spectrum in the fields of society, economics, law, politics, technology, science and culture. In addition to the courses of study, we would like to mention the cross-curricular accompanying course in Social and Cultural Sciences (SuK), which has been an integral part of student education at the h_da since 1972. The language centre of the h_da is also located under our "roof". It is open to all students and supports the acquisition of language and intercultural skills. Our faculty has a total of more than 800 students, studying in the following courses:
Applied social sciences (B.A.)
Information Law (LL.B.) & Global Licensing (LL.M.)
Risk Assessment and Sustainability Management (RASUM) (M.Sc.)
Faculty Office
Haardtring 100
64295 Darmstadt
Office: A12, 03.22